The crazy "cat lady" me.

Day 43

As I said on the post of January 9, I'm the proud owner of two cats: Taco and Pepe, but even though I won't be specifically writing about them, I will be talking about the cats that have come into my life through the years.  The big bulk of them has been after 2020 but, I've been fond of cats (and animals) all my life. 

Below a list of the cats I've owned or taken care of at some capacity:

1- Putica (literally translate as "the slutty one") - circa 1993 - was the first cat I ever owned.  She was a stray that we adopted at home.  She got her name due to her tendency to be in heat and well, fooling around with other cats.  She was a free roaming cat and one day left home to never be seen again.

2- The Angora - circa 1996 - this one did have a name, but I can't remember it.  It was a male "angora" cat, FYI, in the Dominican Republic, if a cat has fluffy long hair, automatically is referred to as "an agora cat" even though technically speaking is not the right breed.  This cat, even though I had him for a very short time (2 weeks) I feel in love with it right away because he was super attentive and had a tendency of waking me up at 7AM by hitting me in the forehead with his paw.  He didn't die, he was taken from me without my consent by my big brother mother-in-law, and I literally still hate her for it but this is a story for another day.  That woman is a special kind of person.

After these two, I never owned any other cat until 2020 but before that I almost adopted one that went knocking on my door on an apartment, I used to live in.  Let's call this one "the nameless cat", it was a male cat, literally stood on my door and meowed until someone opened. I opened the door, and this cat, that was probably 5 or 6 months old, automatically walked in, got up the stairs and started to purr and behave as is I was the owner, my roommate said "please, no cats" and that was it, I just fed him and played with him for a few, took him out of the house to never be seen again.  This was sometime around 2016.

Then comes 2020, and this is the list of cats in no particular order is:

1- Taco - my first pet in over 15 years.  Adopted him from a neighbor in September 2020.  Obviously deserves his own post, so this will be another day.

2- Pepe - my second cat. Adopted him by the end of March 2021.  Just like Taco, he deserves his own post, but this will be another day.

3- Chimichanga - Oh Chimi, this cat was a "stray" that was walking around the neighborhood.  He was used to people and just wanted to be fed, I did not have any plans to get a second cat so I was not going to adopt him but he came around a few times just to fed or petted and I allowed him in the house to play with Taco.  I even had him stay over one night which was hell because he either wanted to be putting the house upside down at 3AM or wanted to massage me with his claws.  There's a funny story behind this cat but it will be another day, for now just know that he was adopted by a neighbor and found his forever home.  This cat was around Feb 2021.

4- The mom aka Moñiña - Not long after Chimi started to come around, this cat started to come around too but she was (and still) too feral.  Just comes for food and even though her interest is just food, she actually reacts to me calling her.  I used to just call her "the mom" because one day she came into my patio with 3 kittens which are:

5- Lola - a female that looks a lot like Pepe.  I've been able to tame her enough to allow her inside on the regular.  She is almost always at my patio by 7AM waiting for me to open the door to let her in.  She is so far the only feral I've been able to tame to the point where she jumps on me, sleeps at home on rare occasions and has never bitten or scratched me.  Also, I will have a post just for her.

6- Palooza - a female.  Very vocal when wanting food but still feral af.  Comes into my patio on the regular, especially in the morning.

7- Tigris - a male.  Looks a lot like Palooza but way bigger. Has scratched on a few occasions but comes around when called.  He is feral af.

8- Panda - a male.  Got the name because of his color.  He used to come around on the regular, but you could tell he was a bit sick, also very feral.  Died when he was hit by a car.

9- Enchilada - a male.  Comes on the regular, very afraid of people. Still feral.

10- Mocha - a male.  It was weird to see a stray Siamese, but Mocha was one.  Got his name due to his color.  I was able to catch him but was very feral, never bonded with the other cats and left a few days after he was neutered.

11- Beto - a male.  Just one cat that inserted himself in the colony.  Always around, but afraid of people, still feral.

12- Peleón (the fighter one). A male - This cat was the devil made into a cat.  Was never accepted in the colony due to his tendency of fighting every single cat around him due to territory control (I assume).  After he got neutered, he slowly disappeared from the neighborhood. 

And that's so far, the list of cats that have been around me. 

NOTE: All cats since 2020, with the exception of the mom, have been vaxxed and neutered/spayed.  All cats have formed a colony but Mocha and Peleón were never part of it. All are feral except (obviously) Taco, Pepe and Lola.


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