To be (organized) or not to be... that's the question.

Day 38

Organization, one of my great strengths but also one of my biggest weaknesses and let me explain.  If for example I need to do multiple things: my task management skills I feel that are very in tune with the tasks at hand, and depending on the situation I would start with the easy ones all the way to the most difficult ones or vice versa and I think that, so far, it has worked fairly good for me.

On the other hand, as a weakness, even though I'm very organized with tasks, and fairly disorganized with things and even though I try to keep my things (office, room, workspace, etc.) organized, I normally fail miserably.

What I have learned though, is that at least once a week I try to pick/organize all the mess I might have around that means throwing away old papers, folding clean laundry, putting things away or back to their place, etc. but I also do this on my computer.  Most of the time it gets to a point where my desktop will look like a big mess, so at least once every two weeks, I sit down early morning hours to move things and organized files as good as possible on my computer.

I also noticed writing this blog, that sometimes due to lack of time, or just plain uncomfortable because having to write on my phone, I don't always organize my post as good as they could be, for example, sometimes I miss putting a picture or a note to a posted picture, or don't add the right labels, or the text lacks proper formatting.   So today, before sitting down to write, I found myself adding pictures to old posts, and/or fixing typos and things alike.

I know that there's always a way to improve things, in any aspects of your life may that be personal or work even if what you have done is great already.  I have seen myself going back to certain things I've done just to reorganize things or change the methodology of doing things just because I figured out a more efficient way of doing things and at the end of the day, that's something I really like about myself, that I never settle for a solution blindly however this can be also a double edge sword, because I'm always doubting if my decision was the right one.

Anyways, enough of talking about myself, I think the next few days will be mostly about pets, since funny enough, I'm already missing the dogs back home.

My typical mess - semi organized


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