"Omar, the most loved one"

Day 65

I purposely decided to skip the writing of the post last night, mostly motivated by the way I was feeling, and I wanted to make sure that it wasn’t just a thing of the moment and wanted to sleep it out first. As you know by now, these past few days I’ve been feeling a lot more anxious and stressed than usual but thankfully it has been coming down to way more manageable levels.

So to summarize my feelings, I was just grateful and thankful and totally stress free and the reasons on to why comes down to the following:
  1. Playing an amazing retro game and actually going into it seriously - Paper Mario – a game that originally came out in 2000 on N64 but I never played it in its original form. I ended up getting it on Wii, Wii U and emulated but never got than a mere few hours every time I started it. This time around, on its switch re-release – I’ve been hooked for good.
  2. Watching a great TV show Sunday night – The last of Us – in which so far has been my favorite episode. Objectively I think is not the best one – That still so far Ep. 3 – but this is the one I’ve enjoyed the most due to its closeness to the game and how visceral the action was.
  3. Having very close friends on a dinner night. Sitting at the table were the only “non-family member” was myself, I realized I literally have an extended family in the Montas Perezespinosa and it honestly feels freaking amazing.
  4. Having a dear good friend of mine confide very important personal things.
  5. My pets becoming reattached to me haha.

All that has been happening for the last couple of days, culminating in the family dinner mentioned above and when I shared the dinner picture with my friends from DR, one of my friends said “Omar, the most loved one” and well, that kind of how I feel because so far in 2023 where I’ve been having family and friends visiting every other week and honestly is just great and makes you focus on what really matters and lower the anxiety and stress that comes naturally with being alive.



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