Pi Day

Day 72

As mentioned a few days ago, Pi Day was upon us, and well, today is Pi Day.  Pi Day has been an annual celebration of the constant Pi since 1988 and is observed on March 14 due to the typical date format in the USA (month/day).  The main purpose is to highlight the maths and lay down a bit of knowledge about the constant to the general population.

It is obseved in many different ways by having discussions, eating/baking pies due to the words pi and pie being homophones and the particularity that pi has to do with circles, and pies tend to be circular in shape, some schools have competitions where students compete on who can recall pi the longst, etc.

Initially I started observing this day back in 2012 when I became aware of its existance, and I just "celebrate it" by acknowleding the its existance on a simple facebook post that read "Happy Pi Day!!" and that first time it didn't get much tracktion at all, just one friend "liked" the post.

The following year, same thing, just a simple post in FB that read same thing "Happy Pi Day! 😛" but for whatever reason, the engagement was a bit higher with a friend from highschool highlighting the fact that our math teachers did their thing and another friend who actually went overboard with Pi calculations and converted the value to binary numbers.

For the next few years I kept it as simple as that but starting in 2014 I started with the pie eating and by 2016, baking my annual pie.  Some years better than other, but at least for me, is a perfect excuse to break the routines of the day to day and eat some (mostly) sweet stuff.

Funny that the first pie I ever baked was actually a chicken pot pie which in itself is a very creamy and savory chicken dinner, but after than one I've made exclusivery sweet ones like: an apple pie, a banana cream pie, a key lime pie, a berry pie, and some others.

This year, I wont be able to bake a pie on the actual Pi Day since I'm out of town, but I will do something as soon as I get back home.  What would it be? I don't know, I'm just going to go to Google and do a search and see what looks doable.  Please note that I just know how to follow recipes, I don't know how to actually cook but I think I do have a good eye to catch good recipies.

Anyways, below some pictures of the pies I've made.


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