Con la "O"
Day 91
Another day, another stupid thing I used to do on Facebook. It was a very lame game of that consist of using the first letter of your name and answering 20 stupid questions. This was back in Apirl 2009.
Note: This was in Spanish, and translated to English some make not make sense, but I'll put the original word right in parenthesis if appliacable.
Rules: It's more difficult than it seems!!! Copy your own note, delete my answers, write your own, and tag 15 people including me. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real things... nothing made up! If the person who did it before you has the same initial as you, you should use different answers. You can't write any word twice and you can't use your name to answer questions 3 and 4. You can't ask anyone!
Have fun!!
1. Your name: Omar
2. A 4-letter word: Other (Otro)
3.A boy's name: Osiris
4. A girl's name: Osairis
5. An occupation: otolaryngologist
6. A color: dark (oscuro) --> This one got me a lot of pushback because people were saying that dark is not a color in itself, but a status of a color. Anyways, I never lose, so Dark is a color!!!
7. Something you wear: obese (if I eat a lot) --> This might not make sense translated. In spanish "ponerse" (to wear something) is a verb also used to describe a feeling or a change. For example "Se puso feliz" (He/She turned happy) or "Se puso el pantalón" (He/She weared the pants). So, I was using that play of words in spanish ;)
8. A meal: oreo
9. Something you find in the bathroom: urine (orina)
10. A place: Oman
11. A reason to be late: leisure (ocio)
12. Something you yell: OK!!!
13. A movie title: Oh brother where are thou
14. Something you drink: orange liquor
15. Something you give: Oysters (if I have :P)
16. Something you buy a lot: opium (lol) (Disclaimer: I've never bought opium)
17. Something you've never seen: black sheep (oveja negra - but yeah, by now I've seen black sheeps)
18. Something you hate: hateful people (odiosos/odiosas)
19. A part of the body: eye (ojo)
20: An insult: ogre, orangutan!!!!
So yeah, I was that lame then.
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