It's just a hoodie!

Day 94

Continuing with the travel topics, today I want write about my go to things I do for every trip.  Lets start with the very simple stuff: my travel hoodie.

You see, when I moved to Miami, back in 2008, it was to go to grad school and one of the very first things I bought (besides a much needed laptop) was a hoodie from my university.  

Then I had a very tight budget but very excited to be in a new school so I bought it out of pride and need at the same time, and honest to god, it has been one of the best purchases I've ever done, why? Because it has lasted more than 15 years!!!

My FIU hoodie has been up for a change for many years already, and even it does not have holes anywhere, is very washed out and worned out but nevertheless I consider it my lucky charm for flights and I don't remember a trip where I have not taken it, doesn't matter if I'm traveling to a very cold or warm place, my hoodie is always a part of my trip.

Why the attachment? Part pride, part believing on a stupid jynx that if I don't travel with it something bad will happen, part because I feel very comfortable in it and part because I have not been able to go to back to FIU at the time that the bookstore is open to buy a new one 😅

If you ever see me at an airport, you will probably see me wearing it 😂

I guess the other things I do for my trips will have to wait for another post.

Back in 2011

a bit more recently ;)


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