Day 95
Musuems visit. One thing I kind of hated in my teenage years was visiting museums. It didn't really matter if it was science, history, art, I used to find them a very boring experience.
As knowledge started to get into my head, I started to become a lot more interested and curious about science, the more I traveled I became more interested in history and arts, so slowly but surely, museums became the experience that I couldn't miss in any new place and I've been lucky enough to visit some of the best ones around the world.
I know many people visit some musuems "because you have to" and honestly that's a very stupid reason to do so, if you don't like them, you don't - period. For example, paying all the money it cost to visit the Louvre to see the most overrated art piece ever (La Gioconda) in a little crowded room fighting with everyone to get a picture or a selfie with a paint that is way smaller than you think just because everybody do it and not because you like it, is honestly very lame.
Anyways, I've learned to appreciate musuems and what they mean and holds for society. Some are better than others but all are great, I may not enjoy contemporary art as much as other type, but there's always cool things to see.
In Miami there are not that many, but there are enough for everyone and every taste. Be sure to check on Google if ever in the city!
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